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Jan 28, 2018

DAPF #202. Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks #202 “Decant”. Annaleis & Neil chat about half a face of make up #BBC #shows, getting mistaken for white, issues with company dinners, forgetting to hit record, old friends, giving thanks, our 5 favorite things to remodel and so much more!


Cat Ear Headphones

Jan 21, 2018

DAPF #201. Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks #201 “Hairy Heck”. Annaleis & Neil give a Chubbdate, chat about #SpeedDating, not #sleeping, Vlogs, Giving thanks for so much support, #video uploads, 5 things we want if stuck in an #Elevator and so much more!


Cat Ear Headphones


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Jan 13, 2018

DAPF #200. Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks #200 “Wack Matt 200“ Annaleis & Neil #Celebrate their 200th #podcast episode with emails, sound clips & #Memories!! Thank you all so much for the support and friendships we have made over the years!! #PodernFamily


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Jan 6, 2018

DAPF #199. Dark Angels & Pretty Freaks #Podcast #199 “Short But Not Deep“. Annaleis & Neil chat about being #sick, #Free #ESPN & #ABC, helping #Parents with #alexa & new TV, getting #unliked on #youtube, #SuperBowl plans, #Death, our 5 favorite things we want inscribed on our #tombstone and so much more!


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